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Show dates are March 7th to March 31st, 2023

From mountainous landscapes to delicate details of birds of prey Jon's career as a commercial photographer has taken

him all over the country.

Also showing are featured members Sharon Dobra and Jo Dunnick.


Was 15 months in the making and is 45 beautifully framed paintings!
This entire show is watercolor or alcohol ink paintings on YUPO paper.
Yupo is non-porous, acid-free, waterproof, recycled plastic made into paper.

“Watercolors on Yupo paper are VIVID.”
“Alcohol Inks on Yupo paper are VIBRANT.”
“When painting on Yupo she experienced much joy!
Her wish is that viewers feel the joy too! “

As a long-time artist, she paints with pastels, watercolors, and alcohol inks.
Her subjects include varied still life and landscape scenes showing.
interplay of light in sky, water, mountains, flowers, and people.
In all her art there is a commonality of purpose:
To capture and express the beauty of creation.
Light and color thrill me, so she often focuses on those elements.
her art, she hopes you feel joy.



Yupo Explored...- By Jo Dunnick

YUPO is a recyclable, waterproof, tree-free synthetic paper that is extruded from
polypropylene pellets and manufactured into various grades weights and thicknesses and is commonly used for labels and packaging because it is super smooth, durable, waterproof and will not tear. It can also be used with watercolors and gives a unique alternative to traditional watercolor papers. All the pieces in my March watercolor exhibition were painted on Yupo allowing the paintings to be vibrant, free flowing or precise... and always react in ways that are unique to Yupo.
Please enjoy this exhibition of Yupo... and know that at any time I could take the painting to the sink, wash it off and try again!


Plus new work from members of the Emerald Art Center.

Turbulance- Jo Dunnick.jpg

Turbulance- Jo Dunnick

Hippo- Jo Dunnick.jpg

Hippo - Jo Dunnick

Eastern Oregon Mirage- Sharon Dobra.jpg

Eastern Oregon Mirage- Sharon Dobra

Sweet Creek Falls -Sharon Dobra.jpg

Sweet Creek Falls- Sharon Dobra

Gallery Admission:
Suggested Donation
$3 per person
$5 per family

500 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477


Tuesday through Saturday

Gallery Hours 11am - 4pm  

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© 2025 Emerald Empire Art Association

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