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19th Annual Emerald Spring Painting Exhibition 2025

Showing May 1st-30th

A National Juried Show   

Entry Deadline: 3/15/25

(Click top link for details)

Juror, Michael Orwick is teaching two workshops on May 1, 2 and 3-

click link and scroll for more information


Cordage Demo with

Patricia Montoya Donohue

T H E R E  A R E  M A N Y  N A T U R A L  M A T E R I A L S  

I N  O U R  E N V I R O N M E N T  T H A T  Y O U  C A N  

U S E  T O  C R E A T E  B A S K E T S . P A T R I C I A  

M O N T O Y A  D O N O H U E , F E A T U R E D  A R T I S T  I N  T H E  G I F T S H O P  C A N  S H O W  Y O U  H O W  

E A S Y  I T  I S  T O  M A K E  C O R D A G E  O U T  O F

L E A V E S , W H I C H  I N  T U R N  C A N  B E  U S E D  

T O  M A K E  B A S K E T S .

D E M O   O N  S A T U R D A Y  :

F E B  1 5 T H  F R O M  1 - 2 P M 

Home of the Official Simpson's mural


Take Photos with the Simpson's Couch !        (Open hours only)


The Emerald Art Center presents 

“For the Love of Painting” by the 

Plein Air Painters of Lane County

Also showing are Featured

EAC Members: Kristi Moomey

and Sarah Bloom Kinser.

Plus select artwork from the

Emerald Art Center's Collection

will be shown and for sale.

And: New work from members

of the Emerald Art Center !


Show dates are Feb. 4th- 28th, 2025.

Reception/ Art Walk is second Friday, Feb. 14th from 5-7:30pm 

Enjoy the art.

Become a member.

Come for a visit today!

Our Vision

To flourish a community engaging in and celebrating the arts, experiencing the joys of creative expression and communication.

Our Mission

To provide an opportunity for all who desire to create art and exhibit their work by cultivating a vibrant art community through education, outreach and partnerships.

Our Activities

The Emerald Art Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the visual arts.
Check us out on our social media for updates, news and more !


Emerald Art Center is a place where beginning and established artists join together to create and show their art in a historic building in downtown Springfield.

It’s a place for people in the community to view local and national art shows as well as attend classes and other events.

Gallery Admission:
Suggested Donation
$3 per person
$5 per family

500 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477


Tuesday through Saturday

Gallery Hours 11am - 4pm  

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© 2025 Emerald Empire Art Association

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